CalTREES Information

CAL FIRE continues to evolve the California Timber Regulation and Environmental Evaluation System (CalTREES); the online Forest Practice permitting and document management system for timber harvesting documents.  CalTREES is available to the public and is designed to process, review, and store timber harvesting documents.  It allows the public access to Forest Practice information, and to provide comment on timber harvesting plans. 

Features of CalTREES

The CalTREES system has several features that are available to the public:

  • Ability to search for timber harvesting documents and related information
  • Run reports online and get the most up to date information

When anyone registers for an account with CalTREES, there are more features available, such as:

  • Submission of notification requests to receive emails  about timber harvesting documents
  • Ability to submit and view public comments online
  • Plan Submitters and Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) will be able to submit, track and update timber harvesting documents.
  • Registered Professional Foresters, Licensed Timber Operators, and Landowners have the capability to electronically submit, track, and update timber harvesting documents

Benefits of CalTREES

  • Online process with built in error catching and input reminders for Plan Submitters while entering information for timber harvesting documents to help reduce returns
  • Ability to request automatic notifications based on selected criteria (e.g., County, Watershed, Legal Description, or Plan #)
  • Improved transparency and accountability of review timelines
  • Provide standardized notifications and summaries
  • Efficient collaboration for Review Team Agencies
  • Reduction of manual and paper-based processes
  • Electronic notifications and two-way communication between the Review Team and Plan Submitters
  • Search and review of timber harvesting documents and related information
  • View and submit public comments online 

Online Submissions Through CalTREES

Timber Harvesting Forms

Submitting harvest documents to CAL FIRE is one of the primary functions of CalTREES.  The system is continuously evolving and improving capabilities.  The step-by-step system is designed to guide users through the online submission process.   It will provide prompts and reminders for system and regulatory requirements during input to improve consistency and data standardization.  This will reduce confusion on required information needs, ultimately reducing returns.

Current Availability: 

  • Online submission of:
  • Emergency Notices
  • Exemptions to harvesting permits
  • Timber Harvesting Plans (THPs)
  • Nonindustrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs)
  • Amendments for THPs and NTMPs
  • Notice of Timber Operations (NTO) for NTMPs
  • Notification of Commencement (Timber Operations)
  • Public Comment

Planned in 2025:

  • Transition CalTREES from on premise servers to Accela Cloud services.
  • Update Completion and Stocking procedures for harvest plans along with the capability to submit online though CalTREES.
  • Ability to submit Timber Conversion Permits online through CalTREES and incorporate the process as a regular workflow process.

Future projects:

  • Improved reports, forms and summaries for Review Team and the public.
  • Updated LTO and RPF licensing online renewal processes.
  • Incorporate other Forest Practice records into the CalTREES system including; Sustained Yield Plans, Working Forest Management Plans, and Program Timber Harvest Plans.
  • Connecting CalTREES with GIS functions through the CAL FIRE Timber Harvest Viewer.
  • Agency permit synchronization.



Please contact the CalTREES Help Desk at or (916) 704-7579 with any questions.  Visit the CalTREES website External Link to sign up for a CalTREES account.


135 Ridgway Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA  95401

Phone Number:

(707) 576-2959

Counties Served:

Alameda, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Western Trinity, Yolo


6105 Airport Road
Redding, CA  96002

Phone Number:

(530) 224-2445

Counties Served: 

Butte, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Eastern Trinity, Yuba


1234 East Shaw Avenue
Fresno, CA  93710

Phone Number:

(559) 243-4107

Counties Served:

Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Imperials, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Tulare, Ventura

Training Material

Navigation through CalTREES without logging in

Register and log into CalTREES

Navigation through CalTREES after logging in

Submission of Public Comment

Submission of Exemptions and Emergency Notices

Submission of Notification Request

CalTREES Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is CalTREES?
The California Timber Regulations and Environmental Evaluation System (CalTREES) is an online system that streamlines the submission and review processes for timber harvesting documents. The system features efficient permit form uploading and real-time reporting.

Who will be impacted by CalTREES? 
The system impacts multiple State entities, including CAL FIRE and Review Team Agencies (i.e., the State and Regional Water Boards, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California Geological Survey).  Additionally, Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs), Licensed Timber Operators (LTOs), and landowners can electronically submit, track, and update Emergency and Exemption timber harvesting documents online via CalTREES. The public has access to CalTREES to search and review timber harvesting documents,  submit comments online, and sign up for notification pertaining to timber harvesting plans.

What CalTREES features are currently available?

  • Ability to search for timber harvesting documents and related information
  • Run reports online and get the most up to date information

If you register for an account in CalTREES, these additional features are available:

  • Submission of Notification Requests to receive email notification about timber harvesting documents
  • Ability to submit Public Comments online
  • Registered Professional Foresters, Licensed Timber Operators, and Landowners have the capability to electronically submit, track, and update Emergency and Exemption timber harvesting documents

What CalTREES functionality is currently being worked on? 

  • The ability for Registered Professional Foresters and Licensed Timber Operators to submit THPs and NTMPs.

What training and support is available?
To ensure that new users have the tools and support they need during the onboarding process, the following are available:

  • The CalTREES User Guide which includes step-by-step instructions.
  • Access to pre-recorded training videos and webinars.
  • Opportunities to practice and receive guided instruction in group sessions.
  • Contact information for additional support (i.e., CalTREES Help Desk for technical support and CAL FIRE Regional Offices for Forest Practice Program and general timber harvesting questions.)

Where is the CalTREES application located on the internet?
CalTREES can be found at the following link-

Are submitted timber harvesting documents searchable?
Yes, CalTREES provides the ability to search for specific fields, as well as review the PDF timber harvesting documents that have been submitted.  Use the Public User Guide listed in the “Training Material” section above on this page for directions, tips and trick.

What is a “wildcard” and how can this help narrow the search criteria?
The CalTREES application has a wildcard character “%” (a percent sign) that can be used to assist with searching for plans. The wildcard takes the place of any other character or string of characters in the field (e.g., the name of a Region or County). The wildcard can be used multiple times in a search field to assist in narrowing down the search results.

Is there a dropdown list of Counties to help narrow my search?
Not currently within CalTREES, but the use of the “wildcard” feature and a three-letter identifier for each County is an option.  A list of all counties and their abbreviations is listed in the CalTREES Public user guide listed under the “Training Materials” above.  In the guide there are also other search techniques outlined.

Can I receive notifications about timber harvesting documents?
Yes, you can register to receive email notifications based on selected criteria (e.g., County, Watershed, Legal Description, Notice of Submission, Notice of Filing).

Are timber harvest documents required to be submitted online though CalTREES?
Not at this time. CalTREES currently offers the functionality of most harvest documents to be submitted online.  Hard copy, and email submittals are still accepted by the Region offices but those methods generally take longer to process and increases the possibility of errors and mistakes at intake if not conducted through the online portal.

What are the benefits of submitting timber harvest documents online through CalTREES?
The system is designed to guide submitters by using updated timber harvesting forms indicating required fields and providing reminders about regulatory requirements. With electronic tracking there will be improved transparency and accountability of review timelines along with automated email notifications and two-way communication between the State and Plan submitters.  CalTREES aims to improve the efficiency of the collaborative review process with the ultimate goal of faster approvals and higher quality review of timber harvest documents. 

When a timber harvest document is submitted online, where is the data stored?
Weather submitted online, though email, or regular mail the data within the CalTREES database is stored in a secure Cloud based data center managed by California Natural Resources Agency. 

Will data be visible to the public if a partially-completed timber harvest document is saved in CalTREES?
No; when saving projects as a work in progress it will not be visible to the general public.  Only harvest documents that are officially submitted in CalTREES can be seen online.

How can a timber harvest document be tracked once submitted?
Create a free CalTREES account and log in at any time to see a harvest document status and all the associated records and files.  Additionally, there are several reports available on the reports page that summarize recent activity without having to log into the system. CalTREES Timber Harvesting Reports External Link

Will CAL FIRE and other Review Team Agencies collaborate online using CalTREES?
Yes; one of the main goals of CalTREES is to improve the collaborative review process for timber harvesting documents.  CalTREES will enable reviewers to communicate, expedite, and track comments from each State entity involved.