Applications are open now. Applications are to be submitted by midnight April 25, 2025. 

  • CAL FIRE's Wood Products and Bioenergy team seeks to maintain and enhance the forest-sector workforce and businesses of California to promote healthy resilient forests throughout the state by supporting a diverse set of business development and workforce development projects.

  • Eligible business development projects include facilities, operations, and professional services that support the restoration of healthy, resilient forests by offering improvements to the wood products industry.

  • Eligible workforce development projects include universities, colleges, government and community organizations, and businesses that aim to increase workforce capacity in the fields of logging, fuels treatment, transportation, manufacturing, or other support services that bolster the development of a resilient forest sector workforce.

  • Research and development projects related to both business and workforce development will also be considered.

The Wood Products Team intends to maintain a continuously open solicitation for Business and Workforce Development Grants as funding availability allows.

Detailed information regarding the solicitation, application process, eligible activities and projects can be found under Grantee Resources below and in the in the Grant Guidelines.

Our Grants at Work

Our Mission

The Wood Products and Bioenergy Program seeks to maintain and enhance the wood products infrastructure of California to support healthy resilient forests along with the people and ecosystems that depend on them.

Our Interests

Existing and emerging technologies related to:
-- Solid wood and chip product processing and manufacturing
-- Bioenergy, including power generation and fuel production
-- Forest-related workforce development

Our Vision

Support the creation of a robust and diversified wood products industry to facilitate the economic and sustainable management of California's forests.

Business and Workforce Development Grants Virtual Workshop

CAL FIRE's Wood Products Team held a Business and Workforce Development Grants Virtual Workshop for the public on February 6, 2024. The workshop covered the following topics:
  • Project Eligibility
  • Match Requirements
  • Application Scoring
  • Application Process and Timeline
  • Q&A
  • CAL FIRE Grant Programs Information

Access the Virtual Workshop

John McCarthy

Deputy Chief
(916) 531-6110

Jason Butcher

Division Chief, Planning
(707) 672-4779

Justin Britton

Division Chief, Operations
(916) 224-7337

Kosta Tsivikas

AGPA Grants Analyst
(916) 201-2891

Caitlin Engle

Wood Products Grants Analyst
(916) 247-1064