California’s forest landscape is diverse and complex, featuring the largest, tallest, and oldest trees in the world.  CAL FIRE enforces the Forest Practice Rules for timber landowners on non-federal, State, and private lands through a variety of timber harvesting plans and ministerial notices submitted by Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs), timberland owners, and Licensed Timber Operators (LTOs). All harvesting documents specify the method of harvesting and measures to avoid and minimize the potential for adverse environmental impacts. Approval is dependent on conformance with the State Forest Practice Rules. Timber Harvesting Plan approval also includes an extensive multi-agency and public review process. CAL FIRE inspects timber harvesting operations and can take enforcement action if Forest Practice Rule violations are alleged to have occurred.


Forest Practice Jurisdiction Training

Forest Practice jurisdictional information to assist in providing accurate and consistent direction to the public.

Click here for a guide card to 1) determine if a harvest document is needed from CAL FIRE and 2) clarify if timber operations would qualify for a less than 3 acre timberland conversion exemption.

Harvest Document Guide Hot Topics


The California Timber Regulation and Environmental Evaluation System (CalTREES) is the online Forest Practice permitting and document management system for CAL FIRE and Review Team agencies (State and Regional Water Boards, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California Geological Survey). It is designed to efficiently process, review, and store timber harvesting documents and allow public access to information, provide comment, and improve transparency.


Tall trees with sunlight filtering through
Safely cut and remove trees as a licensed timber operator (LTO).
Explore timber harvest plans and watersheds by region though an online mapping application.
Forest Practice GIS manages spatial data related to timber harvesting.

I think my neighbor might be conducting timber operations without a permit, who do I contact to make sure everything is legitimate?

Contact your local Unit Forester or Region office to determine if the address has a valid harvest document or if a Forest Practice Inspector might need to conduct a field visit.  Click for a list of Unit and Region offices under the Contacts folder at the bottom of the Forest Practice main page. (Forest Practice | CAL FIRE)

How can I check on the status of a timber harvest plan or if my public comment was received?

CalTREES, the online permit and harvest document portal provides access to Forest Practice data, status level of submitted permits and notices, and displays all the associated documents with those including public comments and violations (CalTREES).  Additionally, the Timber Harvesting Plan status report is a way to quickly see the status of recently submitted plans (Timber Harvesting Status Table).

I don’t understand the review timeline and process of a THP (Timber Harvesting Plan), how can I learn more about that?

This multi-agency review process is outlined in detail on this Forest Practice web page (Timber Harvesting) which describes the timing of submitted documents and what to expect from the review of these documents. 

In general after a THP is submitted 1) there is an interagency 1st Review meeting ensuring documents are complete, accurate and in proper order, 2) once accepted for filing, an onsite field visit is conducted for a pre harvest inspection (PHI), 3) then there is a final interagency meeting (2nd Review) after responses from 1st Review and PHI have been submitted, 4) lastly the final conformance review takes place with CAL FIRE as the lead agency to determine approval or denial.

How can I see the mapping and GIS data for harvest plans?

Visit the CAL FIRE Forest Practice GIS program web page (Forest Practice GIS ) to access and download spatial data and interact with the Timber Harvest viewer app (CAL FIRE Timber Harvest Viewer), which displays current and historic harvest plan information in an updated interactive visual interface.