CAL FIRE provides grants to restore forest health, bolster wildfire prevention and improve firefighting capacity throughout the state.
Strengthen the forest-sector workforce and businesses of California while promoting healthy, resilient forests. Business development projects, workforce development projects, and research and development projects are considered.
Cost-sharing assistance is available for public and private forest land to maintain high quality timber supplies while building a stable forest resource system for future generations. Funds improve all forest resources, including fish and wildlife habitat, and soil and water quality.
Forest Health grants fund restoration and reforestation activities. Activities can include fuels reduction, prescribed fire, pest management, and biomass utilization.
Projects focus on mitigating climate change, protecting communities from the risk of fires, strengthening rural economies, and improving California's water and air.
Concept Proposals due November 14th
The CAL FIRE Forest Health Research Program supports scientific studies that provide critical information and tools to forest landowners, resource agencies, fire management organizations and policy makers across California on a variety of topics related to forest health and management.
Under this competitive grant program, CAL FIRE purchases or accepts donations of conservation easements or fee title of productive forest lands to encourage their long-term conservation. The program seeks to protect environmentally important forest land threatened with conversion to non-forest uses.
Tribal Wildfire Resilience grants is part of CAL FIRE’s Climate and Energy Program and supports California Native American tribes in managing ancestral lands, implementing and promoting Traditional Environmental Knowledges in wildfire resilience, and establishing wildfire safety for tribal communities.
Urban communities benefit through tree planting, planning, workforce development, and education.
The Volunteer Fire Capacity Grant Program is a federally funded grant program that allows California to provide local and rural fire departments with minor firefighting, training, communications and safety equipment for their volunteer firefighters.
Wildfire Prevention grants fund projects in and near fire threatened communities to increase the protection of people, structures, and communities.
The Wildfire Resilience Program includes several state forestry assistance programs within CAL FIRE that share the goal of improving the health and productivity of private forest lands and reducing the threat posed from wildland fires.
Need help deciding which grant program is for you?
See which activities fall under each grant program using the CAL FIRE Grant Program Infographic.
Looking for other grants not listed here?
Visit the California Grants Portal (a project by the California State Library) to find all grants and loans offered on a competitive or first-come basis by California state agencies.
CAL FIRE currently uses eCivis Grants Portal to manage grant applications and grant reporting for most grant programs.
If you are an existing grantee, CAL FIRE staff will notify you when you will be required to use the portal for grant management.
To view grants that are currently open, please visit the eCivis - CAL FIRE Open Solicitations page.
Grants Portal Training Material:
• eCivis Grants Portal - Application User Guide
• eCivis Grants Portal - Applicant Troubleshooting Guide
• eCivis Grants Portal - Grantee User Guide
• eCivis Grants Portal – Navigating the Budget in a Grant Application
Business and Workforce Development
Forest Health
Forest Health Research
Forest Legacy
CAL FIRE Forest Legacy Grant Awards - 2024CAL FIRE Forest Legacy Grant Awards - FY 2022-2023
Tribal Wildfire Resilience
Award Summary Info 2024 TWR-TNBS
Table of Awards 2023 Spring Solicitation
Award Summary Info 2023 TWR Solicitation
Urban and Community Forestry
2024 Inflation Reduction Act Awards Summary
2022-2023 CAL FIRE Green Schoolyards Grant Awards
2021-2022 CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program Project Awards
2019-2020 CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program Awards
2018-19 CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program Project Awards
Wildfire Prevention
Awarded FY 2023-2024 Wildfire Prevention Grants MapFY 2023-24 Wildfire Prevention Grants Recipient List
FY 2022-23 Wildfire Prevention Grants Recipient List
FY 2021-2022 Wildfire Prevention Grant Recipient List
FY 2020-2021 Wildfire Prevention Grants Recipient List
FY 2019-20 CCI Wildfire Prevention Grants Recipient List
FY 2018-19 Community Wildfire Prevention Grants Recipient List