Last Updated
07/05/2024 11:46 AM
Date Started
07/03/2024 1:35 PM
Location Information
Shelly Lake, Marble Mountain Wilderness
Latitude / Longitude
Admin Unit
Klamath National Forest
Incident Management Team
No team assigned
Under Investigation

Status Update

Situation Summary

Yesterday, crews were deployed to two helispots west of the fire, near Shelly Lake, and another crew further east. Their primary objectives were to scout the area for opportunities to establish a ridgetop holding line and work closely along the fire's perimeter to contain it within its current boundaries. Plans are also underway to set up spike camps and provide logistical support using mule trains.

Today, crews will focus on constructing handlines and clearing brush along roadways. Additionally, crews alongside a dozer will open Babs Fork Road and clear brush in preparation for potential fire movement eastward, driven by changing wind conditions.

California Interagency Incident Management Team 12, led by Incident Commander Matt Conklin, will take command of the Shelly Fire at 6:00 PM today.