Thomas Fire
- 100% Contained
- 281,893 Acres
- 2 Counties: Santa Barbara, Ventura
12/04/2017 6:28 PM
09/23/2024 4:01 PM
01/12/2018 11:24 AM
Power Lines
US Forest Service - Los Padres National Forest
Hwy 150 and Hwy 126, north of Santa Paula
Status reports
Damage Assessment
Confirmed Damage to Property, Injuries, and Fatalities.
274Structures DamagedResidential, Commercial and Other
1,063Structures DestroyedResidential, Commercial and Other
2Confirmed Firefighter Injuries
Agency Information
US Forest Service - Los Padres National Forest
Ventura County Fire
Ventura County Sheriff
Santa Barbara County Fire
Santa Barbara County Sheriff
City of Ventura Fire Department
City of Ventura Police Department
USFS/Los Padres National Forest
Red Cross
Southern California Edison
California Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Crimson Pipeline
Wildfire Defense Systems
CA Resources Group
Santa Paula Police
Santa Paula Fire
Ventura County OES
Santa Barbara OEM
The map layers provided are powered by Esri, Genasys, Perimeter and other potential resources, and are based on their respective data sources. The accuracy and reliability of the information are subject to the data provided by these platforms.