Hiring Seasonally
Multiple Counties
Salary: $38,832.00 - $48,012.00 Yearly

Now Hiring
Multiple Counties
Salary: $70,140.00 - $91,020.00 Yearly

Hiring Seasonally
Multiple Counties
Salary: $41,976.00 - $54,960.00 Yearly

Recruitment Begins Soon
Multiple Counties
Salary: $48,000.00 - $74,796.00 Yearly

Now Hiring
Multiple Counties
Salary $50,833.00 - $64,275.00 Yearly + EDWC

Multiple Counties
Salary $81,079.00 – $108,337.00 Yearly
First step to a successful career: Take the State Exam
View our current exams at the links below and subscribe to any of these social media feeds for career-related updates.
Applications are now being accepted for the following Open/Servicewide examinations. Applicants interested in testing for a servicewide classification may apply to take the examination with the state department listed, regardless of where the applicant currently works or wishes to obtain employment. Successful candidates from a servicewide eligible list will be available for hire by all participating state agencies.
Cut-Off Dates: Dates utilized when an examination bulletin is advertised as continuous-file (posted year-round). All applications submitted on or before the cut-off date are collected and evaluated against the minimum qualifications listed on the classification specification. Applications submitted after the most recent cut-off date will be held and evaluated once the next cut-off date arrives.
Final Filing Date: Date utilized when an examination bulletin is advertised as limited-file and is posted/accepting applications for a limited period of time (typically 4-weeks). Candidates must apply on or before the final filing date in order to be considered for the examination. Late applications are not accepted or retained so candidates that miss the deadline must wait to apply during a future filing period.
Arson and Bomb Investigator
Final Filing Date: 03/20/2025
Automotive Technician I
Cut-Off Date: 04/03/2025
Automotive Technician II
Final Filing Date: Until Filled
Communications Operator
Cut-Off Date: 03/30/2025
Communications Supervisor - Communications Supervisor Fact Sheet
Cut-Off Date: 05/01/2025
Cook Specialist I
Cut-Off Date: 04/11/2025
Cook Specialist II
Cut-Off Date:04/11/2025
Direct Construction Supervisor I
Final Filling Date: 06/06/2025
Direct Construction Supervisor II
Final Filing Date: 06/06/2025
Graphic Designer I
Cut-Off Date: 04/30/2025
Cut-Off Date: Until Filled
Final Filing Date: Until Filled
Heavy Equipment Mechanic
Cut-Off Date: 10/14/2025
Lead Gunsmith
Final Filing Date: Until Filled
Senior Arson and Bomb Investigator
Final Filing Date: 03/20/2025
Supervising Cook I
Cut-Off Date: Until Filled
Supervising Cook II
Cut-Off Date: Until Filled
Supervising Special Investigator I (NPO)
Cut-Off Date: Until Filled
WHAT TO EXPECT Compensation & Benefits
Careers with the State of California offer many benefits. For more information on salary and benefits, please visit the California Department of Human Resources website.
- Employee pension managed by CalPERS
- Health, dental, and vision plans
- Paid holidays, accrued leave, and other benefits
- Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP)
- Upward Mobility Program
- Certified Bilingual Positions/Pay Differential Program
- Diversity Equity Inclusion Program (DEI)
ALL ARE WELCOME Equal Employment Opportunity Employer
CAL FIRE provides equal opportunity to all regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, disability, religious or political affiliation, age or sexual orientation.