CAL FIRE Strategic Plan 2024

Transforming Tomorrow

"Whether you're a firefighter, office tech, or director, this plan is about seeing yourself in the vision and taking ownership of our collective goals." - Joe Tyler, CAL FIRE Director

CAL FIRE Strategic Plan 2024

Transforming Tomorrow represents a reflective and collaborative effort between CAL FIRE and our employees, partners, collaborators, and the public in identifying operational opportunities, key issues, and summarizing future strategies that will drive improvement. It is also a tool for measuring progress toward embodying CAL FIRE’s values and associated behaviors in pursuit of our goals and objectives.

CAL FIRE Strategic Plan 2024

Podcast: Director/Fire Chief Joe Tyler Discusses the Plan

Transforming Tomorrow establishes a forward-looking, employee-centered framework for the next five years, building on the 2019 plan to guide departmental direction and priorities across all levels.

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Maximizing Partnerships

CAL FIRE is a dedicated, diverse, and inclusive workforce while maximizing partnerships to create a safer and more resilient California. 


Annual Action Plan

An annual action plan is a dynamic document detailing actions for the fiscal year, aligning efforts to achieve strategic goals.

Frontline Working Group

Hear how employees were involved in developing the Plan. 
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